FINNA - PT Sekar Laut Tbk


PT Sekar Laut Tbk is a company in the business of manufacturing, agriculture, trading and development, especially in the food and beverage sub sector. The products produced include: crackers, sauce, chili paste, spices and bread.

Categories : Food & Beverage

PT Sekar Laut Tbk is a company in the business of manufacturing, agriculture, trading and development, especially in the food and beverage sub sector. The products produced include: crackers, sauce, chili paste, spices and bread. The company stared in 1966 as a home industry supplying marine product and trading, in Sidoarjo City, East Java. The business expanded and developed a shrimp cracker factory which was the forerunner to the establishment of PT Sekar Laut Tbk.

Through perseverance, the pioneering business developed rapidly. With the founders quickly turning a small home industry into a shrimp cracker company. PT Sekar Laut Tbk, was officially founded on July 19, 976in the form of a limited liability company. The process of making, prioritizing quality and hygiene. The company’s product are currently not only marketed locally, but also exported (overseas).

The Company develops and produces crackers, tomato sauce, chili sauce, cooking spices, bread and other snacks. The Company’s products are marketed under the “FINNA” brand.

The Company’s products are made from natural ingredients and processed hygienically, so they are safe to eat, healthy and enjoyed by the people of Indonesia and around the world. The Company also works with other food companies to supply food products according to their individual needs.

1.    Crackers 
FINNA Bawal Putih 
FINNA Salada 
FINNA Seladri
FINNA Bawang
FINNA Kentang 
FINNA Nusantara Mini 250 gr 
FINNA Nasional 380 gr 
FINNA Delicious 380 gr
FINNA Dua Menara
FINNA Classic 400 gr
FINNA Gondang Pita
FINNA Intan 5x3 cm 400 gr
FINNA Bawal Putih
FINNA Salada 
FINNA Seladri 
FINNA Bawang
FINNA Kentang
FINNA Nusantara Mini 250 gr
FINNA Nasional 380 gr
FINNA Delicious 380 gr 
FINNA Dua Menara 
FINNA Classic 400 gr 
FINNA Gondang Pita 
FINNA Intan 5x3 cm 400 gr 

2.    Condiment 
Shrimp Chili Paste (Sachet) 
Padang Chili Paste 
Shrimp Chili Paste (More Chili)
Shrimp Chili Paste (Less Chili)
Garlic Chili Paste
Shrimp Chili Paste
3.    Cooking Spices
FINNA Bumbu Daging Lada Hitam 
FINNA Bumbu Nasi Goreng
FINNA Bumbu Soto
FINNA Bumbu Gulai 
FINNA Bumbu Bali
FINNA Bumbu Opor
FINNA Bumbu Rendang
FINNA Bumbu Rawon
FINNA Bumbu Rujak
FINNA Bumbu Lodeh
FINNA Bumbu Sayur Asam 
FINNA Bumbu Tom Yum 

4.    Melinjo 
Belinjo Udang 
Belinjo Manis
5.    Sauce
Saos Tomat FINNA 340 ml 
Sambal Ekstra Pedas FINNA 340 ml 
Saos Ayam Goreng FINNA 340 ml
Saos Ayam Goreng FINNA 625 ml

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